The word that comes to mind when I think of this past year is CHANGES. There has been so many changes this past year that molded and shaped me into the person I am today. For all of those changes, I.AM.THANKFUL!
That is the best way to describe this past year. THANKFUL! I am so very thankful for my family and friends who believed in me, supported me, and were always a phone call or text away when I was having my doubts about "being a big girl" or "wearing my big girl pants" or moving soon far away from "home." I never ever imaged that I would move away from my family EVER! I mean seriously! Ask my parents, I was the kid who constantly cried when things did not go my way, or could not order food at a restaurant independently growing up, or call friends to invite them over for a sleepover. OH! Don't get me started on sleepovers.... I have never really been a fan of those either (but that's a totally different story.)
Needless to say, this has been ONE AMAZING YEAR! I am so thankful for my new AZ opportunities: my new teaching position, friends, and home.
I am thankful for my awesome boss and TEAM I work with. I have learned a lot this past year. I truly hope to continue to learn as much as I possibly can. I work with some AMAZING individuals who make going to work so much FUN! I am truly THANKFUL!
Thank you to everyone! You have all been on my mind and have helped prepare me for this HUGE CHANGE this past year. I.AM.THANKFUL!
Deli Sunshine :)
Friday, June 19, 2015
Friday, October 10, 2014
Quarter 1 & 2014 Fall Break
Greetings all!
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update of the past quarter and my trip home for the 2014 Fall Break...
The first quarter flew by! My oh my! It was a lovely time, learning public transit, visiting new volunteer agencies, and developing rapport with students. I enjoy my position and only hope I can continue to make a difference and support others within the program.
I was able to back to back home for my cousin's wedding in IL (which was sooo beautiful!) and also be able to visit with family and friends back home. It was a jam packed week and I tried my hardest to see and visit with everyone! I will for sure be back again to connect with those that I missed or those that I did not have enough time with. Thanks for your support always!
Sending sunshine & positivity always :)
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update of the past quarter and my trip home for the 2014 Fall Break...
The first quarter flew by! My oh my! It was a lovely time, learning public transit, visiting new volunteer agencies, and developing rapport with students. I enjoy my position and only hope I can continue to make a difference and support others within the program.
I was able to back to back home for my cousin's wedding in IL (which was sooo beautiful!) and also be able to visit with family and friends back home. It was a jam packed week and I tried my hardest to see and visit with everyone! I will for sure be back again to connect with those that I missed or those that I did not have enough time with. Thanks for your support always!
Sending sunshine & positivity always :)
Monday, September 8, 2014
Update... Changes, Changes, Changes...
Hello everyone! So sorry for not posting in over a month... life has gotten very busy but I wanted to touch base with you all to keep you in the loop.
I love love love my new position. I am learning a lot about a new state and the paperwork process of the district, but all is going well. I enjoy being completely out in the community and using public transit (when the bus passes are working) to get around the community. I feel very supported here by the staff here.
As for housing, we have moved to a permanent place! It is such a lovely home. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a big yard for Mr. Finnegan to run and play in, all tile floors throughout, a carport, close to many restaurants, shopping, and a park. It is a great location and a friendly neighborhood. I enjoy feeling a little more 'settled' here. I have been making some "big girl" purchases, like a new bed, dresser, and night stand to feel even more settled. Space bags are still my friend, as I have not fully unpacked yet, because the dresser has not arrived yet.
There have been a few hiccups or bumps in the road, one major bump lately, was my A/C compressor went out in my "toaster" so that was a HUGE expense and needed to be fix immediately so I could have a vehicle.... all part of growing up! :) Experience builds character, or so I am told! :)
I have had a visitor, Mr. Wonderful, came down for a few days to visit and see the program I work with and how it operates. It was nice to be a tourist and sightsee, as well as try new restaurants in the area.
I have also started courses again at the college to continue my education. This is becoming a balancing act, but I will do my very best to juggle it all.
I hope all is well with everyone! I miss you all soooo very much!
Sending you positivity and sunshine!
-Nikki Jo
Monday, July 21, 2014
Road Trip & First Days
Blog updates... Sorry for the delay!
Monday July 14th
Ribs and racks - Mr. Wonderful made amazing ribs for din-din and assembled a nice back rack to haul my books to school.
Packing Prep Day - Tuesday July 15th
Shout out to to KD for all of the help and SPACEBAGS!!!! :) Get yours today! At; those infomercials do not lie! 100 lbs of clothing, all made into a nice, manageable load.
Thanks to Papa and Opa for assembling the wiring, roof rack, and rack basket, along with loading up my Toaster.
Packing Day - Wednesday July 16
Time to play Tetris! Oma, Opa, and Papa all helped pack, stuff, and jam all of my belongings into my Element. She is not quite plum full, but almost. Finnegan has a nice space behind the front seats to stretch out and also look out both windows. Hopefully he will enjoy going for a "ride" tomorrow.
Thursday, July 17th
Day 1 - Road Trip: MN to NE
6:30 AM - KD stops to say “see you later” :)
7:00 AM - departed from Home. Hard to say goodbye to my family. Made sure to get many, many, many extra squeezes. The tears were a flowing, that’s for sure! I love my family so very much and moving across the country is definitely going to be a BIG test for all of us. But everything is going to great! I am sure of it!
Home - 30 mins - Passengers: Finnegan and Me. An easy drive, just was running a lil on “Deli” time.
30 Mins South - MN - Passengers: Mr. Wonderful, Finnegan, and Me. Mr. Wonderful drove to give me some time to recoup and calm myself. Not many tears, tried to get a entry key made near the MN/WI border, NO DICE! It was hard to say goodbye to Mr. Wonderful and his pops, but a “see you tomorrow” made it easier.
Shout out to CeeCee’s amazing fam! Cappy, Ricki, and Susie! They are so supportive and kind!
Hot Mess Express (CHOO CHOO!) - CeeCee, Finnegan, and Me - depart for NE! Finnegan was a superstar dog! He had a lot of sitting and laying in the back on his blanket, but what a happy boy. He loves going for RIDES! Made it through MN, IA, and almost through NE. Hotel was FAB-O and Finnegan was great! Finnegan liked the room more than we did! He explored the room for 15 mins by jumping for bed to bed to burn off some of extra energy. He was a traitor though, snuggled CeeCee all night long. I guess I’ll have to start sharing snuggles now.
Friday July 18th
Day 2 - Road Trip: NE to CO
Up early, yummy breakfast at Penny’s Diner and on the road! Icky tummy for me, CeeCee was pilot this AM. Finnegan and Me rested most of the AM. Stopped for gas and to check the ties…. RAH ROW! Heat+Plastic= :( My poor books! Tim at Auto Zone hooked a sista up with a tailpipe down deflector. Two snaps for Tim at Auto Zone and his crew in Fort Morgan, CO!
The Rocky Mountains tested the packed Element. Traffic was very heavy (stop & go)… the poor thing got HOT! We pulled her over, lifted the hood, and let her cool down. After that she was GOLDEN! The sights in the mountains were breathtaking! After the minor incidences, it was smooth sailing until our hotel that night.
Saturday, July 19th
Day 3 - Road Trip: CO - UT - Northern Part of AZ
Finnegan is very confused as to how to potty on dirt! Poor pup had better figure it out soon, grass is becoming scarce in these parts!
Today was a fun road trip day, fun songs in the cars, great accents, and also beautiful views! Utah was spectacular! The rock formations, the stones, valleys…etc! Everything was so pretty! Off to bed early to finish the last leg of the trip tomorrow.
Sunday, July 20th
Day 4: Road Trip: Northern AZ to my “new” home. Such an easy day of driving. The day went fast. Arrived “home” and immediately unpacked the Element. Got settled into our new room and started to establish a routine for the pup. Went to a friend's cancer benefit and had amazing authentic Mexican food! Yummy! Also, went to look at a rental property and I am in LOVE! It is very close to parks, shopping, and work… hopefully all works out to move in quickly to really begin to get settled :)
Monday, July 21st
Woke up early to beat the heat. Took Finnegan out for a nice, long walk throughout the neighborhood. There are quite a few things on my to-do list today and orientation in the afternoon. A few setbacks are keeping me from moving forward with certifications but I know it will all itself out. I am very excited to begin my new teaching position. It is going to be a lot of learning, but I am looking forward to that and growing professionally.
Sending you positivity and sunshine!
As always,
Nikki Jo
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Loved & Valued
One thing you need to know about me (if you don't already) is I am not a "stage performer." What that means is that being the center of attention is very hard for me. I am the backstage worker-bee. My goal each and every day is to make someone smile and/or laugh. That's what drives me to do my best daily. be the guest of honor at a my farewell party (not my cup of tea)... but to say I was blown away by positive praise and support is an understatement! I cannot thank you all enough for all of your hard work, planning, preparations, positive thoughts, support, and kindness!
You are all truly amazing people and I am the lucky one to have gotten to know each and every single one of you. Words cannot express how thankful I am for you all, but please know that without you, I would not be the person I am today. You have all played some role in molding and shaping me into who I am. I will take the lessons you have taught me, the kindness you have shared, and your positive energy with me daily. THANK YOU!!!
Sending you positivity and sunshine!
As always,
Nikki Jo
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Packing, Packing, Packing
The process of sorting and packing is underway.... I have come to the realization that I have a ton of junk! Ha! Ha! I have kept odd containers for those "what-ifs" of a classroom environment. I have saved a lot of materials/resources that I am sure are out-dated and can be found online now. But all in all, the job is getting done.
It feels good to sort through and organize these things. Really, truly look at it and say "Have I used this in the last few years?" and if so, keep it, if not, donate it! The process is slow and steady, but it is going along.
I was planning on loading up the "Toaster" with Finnegan, my homegirl, and what fits it in back, but quickly realized that was going to make for a very uncomfortable ride for my FinnyBoy. I have purchased a hitch and will be using a pull-behind trailer to cart my worldly possessions across the country in a few weeks. Until then, I've got a to-do list that seems to be never ending, but slowly and surely is getting smaller and smaller each day.

Sending you positivity and sunshine!
As always,
Nikki Jo :)
It feels good to sort through and organize these things. Really, truly look at it and say "Have I used this in the last few years?" and if so, keep it, if not, donate it! The process is slow and steady, but it is going along.
I was planning on loading up the "Toaster" with Finnegan, my homegirl, and what fits it in back, but quickly realized that was going to make for a very uncomfortable ride for my FinnyBoy. I have purchased a hitch and will be using a pull-behind trailer to cart my worldly possessions across the country in a few weeks. Until then, I've got a to-do list that seems to be never ending, but slowly and surely is getting smaller and smaller each day.
Sending you positivity and sunshine!
As always,
Nikki Jo :)
Friday, June 27, 2014
To-Do List
Happy Friday!
Today the to-do list continues for me, but I will always take into account the list from the image today.
1) Count my blessings: I have a lot to be thankful for: many wonderful memories, a great supportive family, outstanding friendships, and so many learning experiences along the way.
2) Practice kindness: I will always continue to "Be Kind" and spread my DeliSunshine "wherever [I] go, no matter the weather..."
3) Letting go of what I can't control.... I am working on this. Taking each day at a time, and not worrying about the what-ifs, or maybes, but really truly taking a situation in the moment for entirely what it is.
4) Listening to my heart... I am beginning to listen and so far, so good :) My heart is a HUGE part of me.
5) Be productive, yet calm: With the short timeline I have for getting everything in order, packing up, and heading southwest to AZ, the to-do lists can be quite daunting, but "I get by with a little help from my friends" :)
6) Just breathe.... CHECK! Now to hit the ground running. :)
Have a lovely day and a wonderful weekend!
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