Friday, June 27, 2014

To-Do List

Happy Friday!
Today the to-do list continues for me, but I will always take into account the list from the image today. 

1) Count my blessings: I have a lot to be thankful for: many wonderful memories, a great supportive family, outstanding friendships, and so many learning experiences along the way.  

2) Practice kindness: I will always continue to "Be Kind" and spread my DeliSunshine "wherever [I] go, no matter the weather..."

3) Letting go of what I can't control.... I am working on this.  Taking each day at a time, and not worrying about the what-ifs, or maybes, but really truly taking a situation in the moment for entirely what it is.

4) Listening to my heart... I am beginning to listen and so far, so good :)  My heart is a HUGE part of me.

5) Be productive, yet calm: With the short timeline I have for getting everything in order, packing up, and heading southwest to AZ, the to-do lists can be quite daunting, but "I get by with a little help from my friends" :)

6) Just breathe.... CHECK! Now to hit the ground running. :)

Have a lovely day and a wonderful weekend!

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