Thursday, June 26, 2014


This quote has started it all... for me and my life, there will be a lot of changes happening within the next few weeks.  I am taking each and every one of them with a happy heart, a positive outlook, and smile on my face.  (Even though the tears come all to quickly now-a-days)  

To give you some background, I have a amazing job with wonderful, wonderful people that I work with.  I am so happy and love what I do, but I have resigned from that position for an opportunity to move across the country, co-teach in an amazing program, and continue my Master's in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education.  I have embraced it wholeheartedly and am changing basically everything I know in my life!  

Small town girl, born and raised Wisconsinite!  I am now heading Southwest to sunshiny Arizona.  I am going to use this blog to keep family, friends, and students updated on the my "Deli" life.  


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